from http://www.dailypaul.com/225566/the-great-birth-certificate-trust-scam-this-is-how-they-are-enslaving-you
YOU BETTER START ACTING IN YOUR CAPACITY AS THE ADMINISTRATOR of the Trust, and put them back in the position of being the Trustee.
Yep, it all started when your unsuspecting Mother signed you away by using her "Maiden" name on your birth certificate. The state used that little trick to take ownership of the offspring by assuming you were a bastard child without a father, even if there is a father listed/known.
The "Informant", your Mother signed that little jewel (you) over to the state by using her maiden name (notice there was no other option?). The 'state' knows that women can't legally own offspring; only the father has that ability (unless she becomes the Executrix), and that's how they are pulling off the con.
YAY! Party Hats and Ice Cream for EVERYONE! Little Johnnie is now owned by the 'state' and is considered a state/government employee. Now it's time to take pictures of the new little slave/tax payer, spank his/her bottom, and start with the inoculations and public training centers (public school).
Little Johnnie just became a government employee, but how long will it be before Little Johnnie starts getting his government paycheck? Well, if he's smart when he turns of legal age, he'll renegotiate the terms of his employment; take control of his Estate/Trust and start operating is his lawful capacity as the Administrator/Executor to that Trust that was created for him by his employer.
See, when they created that little Trust for Little Johnnie, they conveniently forgot to put the fine print on the back of that document (the birth certificate) telling him it was actually his Trust and when he turned of legal age, he could take his rightful place as the Beneficiary/Administrator of that Trust and quit his job as their employee. Unless of course he presented them with his newly renegotiated terms of conditions that said he now wishes to be paid any amount his little heart desires to continue his employment at the company, and they agreed.
Now you understand why CPS (Child Protective Services) can come into your home and take your (scratch that) .. THEIR ... property/slave/tax payer, if they feel you are abusing Little Johnnie. Because you (the unsuspecting mother) in good faith, signed over Little Johnnie to the state. He wasn't of legal age to manage his own affairs of Administrating that Trust, so you had to hand those duties over to someone a little more qualified than yourself, since you as a woman cannot own offspring.
That's a pretty cool magic trick wouldn't you say?
Home of the Free, Land of the Slave :)
So the 'state' or 'government' sends you back a copy of the Trust (birth certificate) that was created for you, by "THEM" and your mother; you go about your merry way using that birth certificate as a means of identity to obtain other adhesion contracts like your drivers license and ss card etc.
So the 'state' makes the presumption YOU are operating as a government employee; performing acts of government, etc. It's your brand new-shiny Government Name Badge; makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it?
So you're driving around with your government owned vehicle (yes they own it because of the Bankruptcy) ss card, drivers license, and birth certificate and they're presuming you're a government employee.
The only problem with this little con is: They are treating you like a government employee by forcing their rules/regulations/statutes/taxes down your throat, but somehow seem to be forgetting one thing:
You're not getting your government check! Did you ever dictate to them the hourly rate for your services? (Rod Class also explains this if you listen to his archived shows below).
You're not receiving the FULL benefits of your new job title, but you sure are paying the membership fees :)
Why aren't YOU getting paid? Why aren't they taking care of all vehicle maintenance? Why are they charging you with an income tax? Why do they laugh at your "I'm a free man on the land arguments?"
Because YOU haven't rebutted the presumption that YOU are a government employee; operating in that capacity.
You must rebut the presumption you're operating as a government official; performing any act of government; and that you're being paid to so.
No one can force you to work for free; not even your own government. So if they insist you're a government employee because you haven't rebutted THEIR claim, why aren't they paying you your government check?
Silly Johnnie, you didn't expect them to just come and offer this did you? Why would they pay you one red cent if they could get you to do it for free?
You're worth $1.5 Million per hour; they need to agree to the terms of your salary, or you're not interested in being on their payroll; and if you're not on their payroll, you don't have to abide by their corporate rules/regulations/statutes, etc. get it?
Just because you shop at Sam's Club and buy a membership card; use their bathroom; water fountain; buggies and services, that doesn't mean you have to abide by their corporate rules/regulations/statutes and invest in their retirement plans; and it damn sure doesn't give them the right to draft money out of your account without your consent or throw you in jail because you want no part of their little scam.
If you don't rebut the presumption, they will be more than happy to 'assume' you are a government employee; and you should be paying government employee taxes; following their rules/regulations, and statutes.
We've all heard the stories of how the UNITED STATES is a corporation that resides in the ten square mile radius of the District of Columbia, and only people living in that district are considered government employees; or government officials that go to work for them.
They just forgot to tell you that those laws only apply in that ten mile radius, and if you're not an employee of their corporation, their laws don't apply to you.
Remember the Sam's Club analogy?
Wouldn't it be nice if YOU could start your own business and force your customers to invest in your retirement plan, 401K, pay all your licensing and fees; follow your rules/regulations, and even tax them on their income, all for just shopping at YOUR store?
Well, that's what's happening folks: You're shopping at the corporation known as the UNITED STATES and they created your very own little membership card (birth certificate) and are forcing their corporate rules/regulations and taxes down your throat because you aren't willing to rebut their presumptions that you are an employee of their corporation.
Pretty cool trick eh?
What they won't tell you about that little Trust that was created in your name is: That YOU are the Beneficiary and Administrator, and THEY are the Trustee once you become of legal age.
Ah, that kind of turns things around now, doesn't it?
Yep, when you became of legal age, they conveniently forgot to tell that little tid-bit of information, and have been operating in the capacity as the Administrator to that Trust and you've been dumb enough to let them carry on that way. You're not actually dumb; you just trusted that something like that would never happen to you, especially by your own government.
Never assume anything, it will cost you everything!
But what they're doing is not against the law you see. They are just assuming (pretty convenient eh?) that you are their employee, and you haven't rebutted that presumption.
As Dean puts it: If I create some law in my living room and walk across the street to your house; knock on the door and say "Hey Jim, I just created a new law that allows me to take your new 50" plasma TV for my own and you have to abide by that". And Jim just scratches his head and says ummmm, der, okay, I guess, go ahead and take the TV.
Did I break a law? Nope! I made a presumption; you didn't rebut the presumption (look up affidavits) and my presumption became law. Viola! You just got screwed-blued and tattoo'd because you never said "Hey, wait just a minute" By what authority did you create this new law, and what gives you the authority to shove it down my throat?"
When you're using THEIR side of the equation, THEY are the Beneficiary and Administrator to the Trust "THEY" created and YOU are the Trustee. They created it, it's their document; you're just the Trustee until you become of legal age, at which point you're supposed to become the Administrator, and they are the Trustee.
Don't let that bother you; it's just an honest mistake and they probably just ran out of ink before they could print that little fact on the back of your birth certificate (Uh-Huh :/) giving you the option manage your own Estate.
Can a Trustee tell an Administrator what to do?
Absolutely NOT!
Watch Dean Clifford explain the fraud with a marker board at a seminar so you can better understand the situation and most importantly CORRECT the PRESUMPTION they are ASSUMING.
Silence is acquiescence.
NOTE: Dean is in Canada, but the scam is the same here in the UNITED STATES.
And one hell of a 2 hour radio show where Rod Class and E.J. explain the fraud of how they used the mother's maiden name to hand over power, as well as explain how the IRS is working double time to get his case against them dropped and make it disappear. They've switched jurisdiction; changed headings on paperwork; switched judges, etc. and he keeps dragging them back in the ring for another round.
So lets see here: There is no money; they are operating as the Administrator to the Trust, and somehow have the ability to steal your money and lock you up for not following laws that have nothing to do with you, because you're not on their payroll.
What the hell is going on here? Maybe their using that birth certificate/Bond and pillaging it for their own financial gain, ever heard of the CESTUI QUE VIE ACT 1666? See Rod's archived show Episode 574 at talkshoe, look up AIB Radio or search for call code 48361 at talkshoe.com
Why do their rules/regulations/retirement plans/taxes, etc. apply to you, and you're not even getting paid? Because you never rebutted their assumption that you are an employee of their corporation; and you damn sure never argued the terms and conditions and salary of your employment.
Now the case is headed to the Supreme Court, since the other courts/IRS can't rebut his claim that there is NO money; and since his client has never been paid any REAL money, it is impossible for them to tax him.
These people are operating off the fact that you are not rebutting their presumption, that YOU are a government employee.
The scam is being exposed by many people around the world. Many people have went to prison; lost their homes, etc. because of this scam. God Bless those who are locked away for trying to get to the bottom of this. It's taken many people many years in prison; many tries; many court appearances; and many broken families to put this scam together; don't let their work die in vain.
Take the time to watch Dean Clifford's videos above, it may be the greatest education you'll ever acquire; and it's FREE.
God Bless America, time to take back control of your life, and if they want to maintain control of your life, then they need to start forking over some money to keep you as an employee.
How much are you worth? 1 Million; 2 Million an hour? That's up to YOU to decide, not them, unless of course you continue to allow it :)
and not to mention this, how does the government make a race disappear?

so if you had a choice whether or not to sell out your children and their children to the US government, would you? most of us are left with no choice and in order to survive we must participate in the 'capitalist culture' that's the price we pay, some people still have a choice, of course native americans would rather enroll their child with a sovereign tribe. so if you had a national platform to address the issue of blood quantum or tribal enrollment, why would you make it into personal issue? i guess if you didn't know about any of that stuff above....
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