try this and see what happens
Next time you speak or write, try listening to yourself as if you were a stranger you wish to get to know. The fact is, many of us are strangers to ourselves, and we don't even know it. We seldom listen to ourselves as we speak or write, and are most often unaware of the inner attitude from which we do so. —Dennis Lewis
[how can we really know ourselves until we're able to try different things in order to experience the whole emotional spectrum? isn't that what your 20's are for anyway? i think that emotion is how the conscious mind communicates with the subconscious mind. and i think depression could stem from an inability to communicate emotionally with oneself. plus as we learn new information and experience different emotions, we change, the process never ends, so all we can really do is choose what information to focus on, so don't forget to pay attention to what's important & stay open minded]
Most people have not experienced so much trauma that they must see a professional counselor; they can work through their feelings by involving the people they are close to. by telling their story, recounting the gory details and finally mentally processing everything. That is the means by which they begin to dispel the feelings of distress attached to their memories.
The more that feelings can be encouraged, the better. The more you feel the more you heal.
The expression of feelings can take many forms. For most people it may be easiest to talk. But others may need to write or draw.
There are four broad patterns of expression of feelings that people employ in response to a crisis. Call them feeling styles. Some people consistently maintain one style; others exhibit all four styles at different times.
It is important to recognize which style of emotional expression is characteristic of your response, and which patterns your loved ones display. Each one demands a different approach.
The Trickle Effect
Feelings flow in little trickles, slow but steady. Tricklers have feelings at a low or medium level most of the time.
Hit and Run Feelings
Some people hit an emotion, experience it intensely, then find it so scary they run away from it. They avoid it and may not talk about it for days, weeks or even months. Then they hit the feeling again, it blows up and they run away from it again.
Roller Coasters
Many people go up and down emotionally. They are in touch with their feelings but their feelings are all over the place. Like a roller coaster, however, they can go very quickly through the feeling stage.
Emotions come in tidal waves that are so big, comprehensive and overwhelming that those who get them feel like they're going to drown. They flail about, and then the wave recedes; they discover that they're still alive and they feel better. Tsunamis usually occur because people repress their feelings of pain.
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