Saturday, December 14, 2013

good reads from my fb timeline

EMOTIONS and EGO means (Creative Projected Thought) that's it.. it is not a big boogy man.. to be feared* We are INDEED the ultimate responsible masters, architects, alchemists, designers, conductors, creators and determiners of our own reality wherever we ARE ! Whether we are aware of this process or not it is still happening, nothing but this... On every level and dimension of our projective thought ! When we fully acknowledge this.. We create for ourselves our natural eternal rite Of passage or pipeline and we naturally make ourselves available to find or build our own bridge.. to dissolve, transcend and understand.. ALL Of THIS !!!! It never Was Anything Anyway.. but Merely Our Own Idea and A Blip* in our own self created time Adventure! This is The incredible explorer that lives innately inside all of creation itself* and indeed all of US ! Only to make the final and ultimate realization that there never was anything to explore in the first place.. Because WE KNEW WE ARE ALL THIS ONE LIGHT and INDEED The Impeccable ORIGINAL ETERNAL SELF ! But we must take our First Steps by acknowledging all of this as it stands..completely.. right now.. This is where TRULY integrated honesty and integrity take birth in our lives.. And ARE INDEED LIVING and ALIVE for us to SEE before us! This whole experience is totally and completely self contained inside of YOU, I and ALL ! ~Ariana Sha

Humans are going to have conflict. It is not something we need to avoid; however, we do need to learn how to speak our truth with words of love ~ harming none ~ or we could create additional karma for ourselves. Now that does not mean....we step out of authenticity and integrity, and tell people what they want to hear just so we don't hurt their egos feelings. We need to be honest and express our needs, standing up for ourselves ~ however, we can do this in a grounded, loving way with strong yet compassionate words. We also need to address these situations DE-PASSIONATELY...... because if we are very passionate about our "truth" then the likely hood of us opening up our energy field to outside influences becomes very possible. When we open our energy field, we loose our protection and leak energy..... our energy becomes scattered. Oftentimes, this is when we will project portions of our energy into someone else's energy field, and likewise they will project energy into ours. We also create energetic cords and entanglements with other people, and this will drain both people's energetic systems, as well as, create great confusion within both beings. If you get caught up in a moment where you loose your balance, it would be best to walk away and gather yourself (your energy) and get grounded before you address the situation. The situation will need to be dealt with....otherwise, it will continue to re-create itself.

We are approaching the end of an age. We are moving out of the dark ages where we have been immersed in the negativity of polarity and duality and entering a 2,000 year cycle where each one of us has the opportunity to rapidly raise our vibration and receive the transmutational energies of our higher/spiritual self.
Layer upon layer of distortion that has been residing within our energy fields ~ blocking us from our truth as divine, LOVING, spiritual beings is being transmuted by the light of our higher selves. We are going through our own inner apocalypse. Apocalypse in greek means lifting of the veil:
WIKIPEDIA: An Apocalypse (Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") is a disclosure of something hidden from the majority of mankind in an era dominated by falsehood and misconception, i.e. the veil to be lifted. The Apocalypse of John (Greek Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου) is the Book of Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. By extension, apocalypse can refer to any End Time scenario.
Everything that is not based on truth will rise to the surface to been seen so we can release it. This is why we see so many "secrets" being revealed at this coaches who have sexually abused their players, banks and corporations who have been dishonest and greedy with their monies, political leaders who have been caught using drugs and hiring call girls, priest and pastors who have misused their power, family secrets coming out and families falling apart, etc..... These events are all mirror reflections of the collective ego and shadow consciousness we are all being asked to heal now.
We are unveiling our "selves" and releasing those distorted aspects of self that can not reside in the higher vibrational dimensions of peace, love and oneness. Everything that is not LOVE, must go.
As we go through this process ~ it may not feel so great. Old distorted emotions, feelings, behavioral patterns, and beliefs are rising to the surface at an accelerated rate. Most of these are unconscious....we don't even know they are there. The more we surrender to the process and are willing to "see" ourselves ~ being brutally self honest ~ the more we will be able to accept our fragmented "unloved" negative parts of ourself that get pushed to the outer edges of our energy field, bringing them back to our center so the LIGHT of our higher self can shine down on them helping us to transmute them. If we refuse to "see and accept" our inner negativity we push it away from the center of our energy remains fragmented and outside of our true self where the LIGHT from our higher self is not able to transform it into it's highest expression of love. All of our disowned, unloved parts must be brought back into wholeness so we can be healed and returned to our truth ~ which is LOVE. ~ How To Raise Your Vibration — with Rokalla Balakrishna.

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