by Shelly Bullard
We are approaching a period of time when relationships are ready to go through a major redesign. The current paradigm isn’t working. People are unsatisfied in Love; people don’t know how to make relationships work.
And, believe it or not, this isn’t a bad thing. Because when systems break-down, that’s when they change. I believe that’s what’s happening in the area of intimate partnership. The break-down is forcing us to move towards conscious Love.
So what exactly is a conscious relationship?
It's a romantic relationship in which both partners feel committed to a sense of purpose, and that purpose is growth. Individual growth. Collective growth as a couple. Growth that makes the world a better place.
As of now, most people get into relationships to satisfy their own personal needs. This might work for a few years, but eventually the relationship fails us, and we end up unsatisfied as a result.
But when two people come together with the intention of growth, the relationship strives towards something much greater than gratification. The partnership becomes a Journey of Evolution, and the two individuals have an opportunity to expand more than they could alone. Deep satisfaction and long-term fulfillment arise as a result.
So if you’re someone who feels called to take your experience of romantic Love to the next level, below are four qualities that characterize what being a conscious couple is all about. Welcome to the path of the conscious relationship. This is next-level Love...
1. The conscious couple is not attached to the outcome of the relationship - growth comes first.
Not being attached to the outcome of the relationship does not mean you don’t care what happens! It also doesn’t mean that you don’t have fantasies about how the relationship will turn out.
What it means is: you’re more committed to the experience of growth than you are to making the relationship “work.”
The reality is, we’re here to grow. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. When growth stops, we automatically feel like something’s gone wrong. Because it has. Without growth, we aren’t fulfilling our Soul’s purpose.
Unfortunately, relationships today tend to stifle growth more than enhance it. This is one of the main reasons we’re failing at romantic Love.
We want our partners to act in a certain way, we repress ourselves to please others, and soon enough, we feel small, oppressed and puzzled about who we’ve become. This, inevitably, makes the relationship feel like a cage that we want to break out of. But the unfortunate truth is: we’ve caged ourselves.
The conscious couple values growth more than anything else because they know this is the secret to keeping the relationship alive. Even though growth is scary (because it takes us into the unknown), the couple is willing to strive towards expansion, even at the risk of out-growing the relationship. Because of this, the relationship maintains a natural feeling of aliveness, and love between the couple does, too.
2.Each person in the relationship is committed to owning their stuff
Conscious couples know that we all have wounds from the past, and they understand that these wounds will inevitably be triggered, especially in a relationship. In other words, they expect to feel abandoned, trapped, rejected, overlooked and any other shitty feeling that arises when we bond closely with another person.
Most of us still believe that relationships should only feel good, and when bad feelings surface, something has gone terribly wrong. What we fail to see in this situation is that these shitty feelings stem from our own faulty patterning! These issues are not caused by our partners; they’re caused by our beliefs.
The conscious couple is willing to look at their past and current issues in relationships because they know that by facing these beliefs systems, they can evolve into a new relationship-reality. Dysfunctional patterns will dissolve, but only when we take responsibility for them, first.
3. All feelings are welcome and no internal process is condemned.
In a conscious relationship, there’s room to feel anything. Not only that, there’s room to express those feelings and fantasies to your partner. This is edgy territory… it’s not easy to do. But it’s also one of the most healing things we can experience in a partnership
It’s rare to be completely honest about who you are, and to stretch yourself to let your partner do the same. You may not like what you hear; in fact, it may trigger the hell out of you. But you’re willing to be triggered if it means your partner can be authentic.
Like I already said, we’re used to molding and changing ourselves to please people we love because we don’t want them to stop loving us! This stifles the Love out of our connections.
The only option is radical honesty: revealing parts of ourselves that are hard to share, and letting our partners do the same. This leads to feeling known, seen and truly understood — a combination that will automatically enhance your Love.
4. The relationship is a place to practice Love.
Love, ultimately, is a practice. A practice of acceptance, being present, forgiveness, and stretching your heart into vulnerable territories.
Sometimes we treat Love like it’s a destination. We want that peak feeling all the time, and when it’s not there, we’re not satisfied with what the relationship has become. In my mind, this is missing the whole point of Love.
Love is a Journey and an exploration. It’s showing up for all varied nuances of your relationship and asking yourself, What would Love do here?” The answer will be different every time, and because of this, you’ll get to grow in ways you never have before!
The conscious couple is fiercely committed to being the embodiment of Love. And through their devotion and practice, Love shows up in their lives and relationship in ways they would’ve never imagined before.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
positivity attracts negativity
Ever wonder why you seem to attract negative people to you?
The fact is … positive and negative people are often drawn to each other even when they seem so vastly different. It’s rooted in our nature. Actually… It’s science.
A battery has two ends — a positive terminal (cathode) and a negative terminal (anode). If you connect the two ends …electricity is produced! Whether comfortable or not, when a negative person connects with a positive, an energy is created. We crave energy. Energy is a flow of electrons and energy is a flow of emotions, If you’ve ever wondered why opposites attract – there’s part of your answer. A Positive force will magnetically draw a negative charge to it.
Know that dealing with negative people, you first must recognize that we are in fact attracted to the energy or charge that we feel. The key is to understand if the flow energy and if you need to “detach” from that negative force. What are you getting from the relationship? What is it you want from the relationship and is it realistic? Will you ever get it? Does this relationship serve you? Is your life better with this person in it? With most relationships we have a choice. We can’t choose our family members but we can choose our friends. Does this person lift you up? Are they happy for your success? Do they cheer for you? Do they pray for you? Do they care enough to push you or ask uncomfortable questions when you’re off track?
A true friend is someone who cares so much, that they will risk offending you, having that uncomfortable conversation to let you know when you’re on a destructive path or just underselling yourself. A true friend should feel like the President of your Fan Club! A true friend wants what’s in your best interest… Those are the people you need in your life. Those are the important relationships — and you have a choice. Those friends who are negative, impossible please, terribly unhappy with themselves, and hell bent on confrontation are not healthy people to spend time with. There is a cost to be paid and guess who pays the price? Ask yourself how often this person repays or redeposits the withdrawals they make? We have a finite amount of love, energy, compassion and most importantly time. Be mindful of how and with whom you spend those things. Now I am certainly not suggesting that you cut these individuals from your life. Everyone has value. Everyone has a way in which they enrich our lives. I hope you find these following suggestions helpful.
How to best manage negative people and relationships:
1. Consider carefully how much of yourself you give to those who only withdraw.
2. Give negative individuals less power over your emotions, time and happiness.
3. You are not responsible for another person’s happiness, value or good mood.
4. Don’t take the hurtful actions as a personal reflection.
5. Remember…it is impossible to win an argument with someone who is “never wrong” or blindly self-focused.
6. Difficult, needy, angry, overly sensitive people are that way —not because of something you’ve done or not done—- but often because of early childhood experiences.
7. Have empathy and compassion but not at the risk of sacrificing yourself.
8. Don’t take it personal. It’s really not about you. And sometimes there’s nothing you can fix….but we can chose our friends.
Hurt people hurt people.
When the negative person is a family remember that you have choice in the way you respond—- respond in love. Stop being angry, end your resentment. Put love in your heart. We can’t change people… But we can pray for them. When dealing with unhappy family members, know your part, but set healthy boundaries. Be supportive without taking responsibility for the self-worth of another. Create a healthier relationship. And if you want this person in your life, (or if you really don’t have a choice via marriage or bloodline ) then make a decision to do your best without sacrificing your soul. Ask questions. Listen.
And listening doesn’t mean letting the other person talk, so that they will hurry up and finish so you can say what you need to say. Listening is understanding; trying to see things from their life perspective. Having an understanding of what it is like to walk in their shoes and what experiences have led them to this way of thinking. Take the word confrontation out of your vocabulary. Decide to be more loving. And lastly, I believe that no relationship is 50/50. Every relationship has a humble hero. It’s okay to be that person from time to time who does more and takes pride in their role. Be the person who’s willing to make the other person feel like the center of the universe. Instead of keeping score or building resentment, just hold that pride inside of you.
Know without having to broadcast it or write your award acceptance speech that this is ***your gift*** This is what draws other people to you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or wondering when someone else is going to do the same for you. Respond in love or make a decision to make a change.
There are exceptions to every rule – but the thing I know for sure and it sounds “total cheeseburger” but love is almost always the right answer.

Also known as the Sign of the Mystic or the Investigator, Scorpio is Negative in polarity (as are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).
All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Scorpio (ruled by water) is considered Feminine (as are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be nocturnal or night-oriented. Therefore, the term “feminine” should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.
The fact is … positive and negative people are often drawn to each other even when they seem so vastly different. It’s rooted in our nature. Actually… It’s science.
A battery has two ends — a positive terminal (cathode) and a negative terminal (anode). If you connect the two ends …electricity is produced! Whether comfortable or not, when a negative person connects with a positive, an energy is created. We crave energy. Energy is a flow of electrons and energy is a flow of emotions, If you’ve ever wondered why opposites attract – there’s part of your answer. A Positive force will magnetically draw a negative charge to it.
Know that dealing with negative people, you first must recognize that we are in fact attracted to the energy or charge that we feel. The key is to understand if the flow energy and if you need to “detach” from that negative force. What are you getting from the relationship? What is it you want from the relationship and is it realistic? Will you ever get it? Does this relationship serve you? Is your life better with this person in it? With most relationships we have a choice. We can’t choose our family members but we can choose our friends. Does this person lift you up? Are they happy for your success? Do they cheer for you? Do they pray for you? Do they care enough to push you or ask uncomfortable questions when you’re off track?
A true friend is someone who cares so much, that they will risk offending you, having that uncomfortable conversation to let you know when you’re on a destructive path or just underselling yourself. A true friend should feel like the President of your Fan Club! A true friend wants what’s in your best interest… Those are the people you need in your life. Those are the important relationships — and you have a choice. Those friends who are negative, impossible please, terribly unhappy with themselves, and hell bent on confrontation are not healthy people to spend time with. There is a cost to be paid and guess who pays the price? Ask yourself how often this person repays or redeposits the withdrawals they make? We have a finite amount of love, energy, compassion and most importantly time. Be mindful of how and with whom you spend those things. Now I am certainly not suggesting that you cut these individuals from your life. Everyone has value. Everyone has a way in which they enrich our lives. I hope you find these following suggestions helpful.
How to best manage negative people and relationships:
1. Consider carefully how much of yourself you give to those who only withdraw.
2. Give negative individuals less power over your emotions, time and happiness.
3. You are not responsible for another person’s happiness, value or good mood.
4. Don’t take the hurtful actions as a personal reflection.
5. Remember…it is impossible to win an argument with someone who is “never wrong” or blindly self-focused.
6. Difficult, needy, angry, overly sensitive people are that way —not because of something you’ve done or not done—- but often because of early childhood experiences.
7. Have empathy and compassion but not at the risk of sacrificing yourself.
8. Don’t take it personal. It’s really not about you. And sometimes there’s nothing you can fix….but we can chose our friends.
Hurt people hurt people.
When the negative person is a family remember that you have choice in the way you respond—- respond in love. Stop being angry, end your resentment. Put love in your heart. We can’t change people… But we can pray for them. When dealing with unhappy family members, know your part, but set healthy boundaries. Be supportive without taking responsibility for the self-worth of another. Create a healthier relationship. And if you want this person in your life, (or if you really don’t have a choice via marriage or bloodline ) then make a decision to do your best without sacrificing your soul. Ask questions. Listen.
And listening doesn’t mean letting the other person talk, so that they will hurry up and finish so you can say what you need to say. Listening is understanding; trying to see things from their life perspective. Having an understanding of what it is like to walk in their shoes and what experiences have led them to this way of thinking. Take the word confrontation out of your vocabulary. Decide to be more loving. And lastly, I believe that no relationship is 50/50. Every relationship has a humble hero. It’s okay to be that person from time to time who does more and takes pride in their role. Be the person who’s willing to make the other person feel like the center of the universe. Instead of keeping score or building resentment, just hold that pride inside of you.
Know without having to broadcast it or write your award acceptance speech that this is ***your gift*** This is what draws other people to you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself or wondering when someone else is going to do the same for you. Respond in love or make a decision to make a change.
There are exceptions to every rule – but the thing I know for sure and it sounds “total cheeseburger” but love is almost always the right answer.
Also known as the Sign of the Mystic or the Investigator, Scorpio is Negative in polarity (as are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces). The general characteristics of Negative Signs lean toward introversion and prefer to draw upon personal resources rather than look for external stimuli. Such individuals are naturally more receptive, sensitive and nurturing than are the Zodiac Signs of Positive polarity (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). However, Negative Signs are also likely to be much more cautious, retiring and standoffish than their Positive counterparts with a tendency to keep personal feelings under tight control. Taurus is the most introverted of the Negative Signs (with Virgo a close second).
All Zodiac Signs governed by the Elements of Earth and Water are considered to be Feminine in nature. Thus, Scorpio (ruled by water) is considered Feminine (as are Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces). Feminine Signs are traditionally conceived as being more receptive and less active than their Masculine counterparts which are ruled by the Elements of Fire and Air (the Zodiac Signs of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius). Feminine Signs focus primarily on the emotional and material world with particular attention to sensitivity and depth of feeling. Feminine Signs are said to be nocturnal or night-oriented. Therefore, the term “feminine” should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) Polarity of the Tao.
The Relationship Between Energy and Currency
by Pao L. Chang, Guest writer @ Waking Times
To find out how energy and currency are related, you need to look beyond the definition of the word currency. This means that you may need to research its origins and use phonetics to help you find the connection between energy and currency. Once you figure out how energy and currency are related, you will eventually know how currency is being used to steal your energy and time.
The Overt Definition of Energy and Currency defines energy as the “ability to be active; the physical or mental strength that allows you to do things; natural enthusiasm and effort; usable power that comes from heat, electricity, etc.” In science, energy is often viewed as a “substance” that can not be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another.
As for currency, Black’s Law dictionary 6th edition defines it as “coined money and such banknotes or other paper money as are authorized by law and do in fact circulate from hand to hand as the medium of exchange.”
The word currency originated from the Latin word currens, the present participle of currere, which means “to run.” Now, why would they based the word currency on a Latin word that does not have much to do with paper money or coin? Because it is not really about the paper money or coin. Instead, it has to do with energy.
The overt or unhidden definition of the word currency only shows you its meaning at the surface. To find its deeper meaning, you need to look deep into the hidden layers of this word.
The Covert Definition of Currency
To find the covert or hidden definition of currency, you need to use phonetics and separate the word currency into two words. When spoken out loud, the word currency sounds similar to “current-sea.” What does a current do in a river? It flows to the sea! Sometimes you have to rely on the phonetics instead of the letters to find the hidden meaning of a word.
What are the things that cause the current to flow? The forces of nature (i.e., gravity) and the elevation of the land. defines current as “something that flows, as a stream.” The flowing movement of currents is what causes the freshwater in the river to flow to the sea. Once the freshwater is in the sea, the water is now part of the “current-sea,” or the “current of the sea.”
The word currency also sounds similar to “current-chi.” In Chinese, the word chi means “natural energy,” “life force,” or “energy flow.” Based on these definitions, currency means the “flow of energy.” When you really think about it, currency is a medium for exchanging energy.
When you go to work at a company, the company often pays you hourly. Every hour is recorded to make sure that you are paid for investing your time and energy into the company. After you have worked for a certain amount of time, you are given a weekly or biweekly paycheck, usually on Friday. Once you take your paycheck to the bank to cash it for currency, the currency now represents your time and energy.
The Relation Among Banks, Rivers, and Currency
One important thing you need to know about the words bank and currency is that they are related to the word river. What does a river have on its two sides to prevent water from flowing out of it? Riverbanks! Banks are like rivers because they regulate currency. In other words, they regulate the flow of energy, just like how riverbanks regulate the flow of the energy of water. They did not combine the word river and the word banks to make the word riverbanks by accident.
The word currency also has a connection with the word battery. The content in block quotation below will show you evidence of this. It is an excerpt from my article titled The Esoteric Definition of Battery.
To find the covert or hidden meanings of the word battery, you need to understand how the wordscharge and battery are used in court and business. Once you learn how to do this and connect the words charge and battery to law, commerce, and business, you will know the deeper meanings of the word battery.
In legal term, when someone gets beaten up, that person is often referred to as a “victim of battery.” If the victim press charges, the person who have committed the battery will be summoned to go to court to face the charges. …
The word battery is an important word in commerce and law, because it has to do with the process of harnessing the energy of humanity. In other words, this is one of the many methods that they used to drain your energy.
This energy is then used by the Controllers to charge their corporations (“corpses” or “dead entities”), banks, and other commerce systems, so that they can keep their game of conning humanity going. Without our energy to charge their corporations and commerce systems, their con game will not have enough power to stay on.
As human beings, we are being used as “batteries.” This is why before we go to court, we have to becharged first. At the court hearing, the judge will read the charges and then charge them off after a verdict or judgement is made.
If there is a fine or fee included in the judgement, the defendant will be ordered to pay the fine withcurrency. The covert meaning of the word currency has to do with the “flow of energy.” This is why the stored energy in a battery is called “electric current” or the “currency of electricity.”
To sum it all up, currency is what the Controllers of the New World Order (NWO) like to use to secretly steal your time and energy. There are many methods that they like to use to steal your energy using currency. Two of their favorite methods involve the legal system and inflation (a hidden tax on the public).
know that who you are is exactly enough
When someone rejects you it doesn't mean you need to reject yourself. Just because some people choose to disregard your worth and treat you without kindness doesn't mean everyone will, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to imitate their behavior. The truth is that the way others treat us isn't about us—it’s about them and their own expectations, struggles, insecurities, and limitations.
You don’t have to allow their judgments or criticisms to become your truth.
You will never be able to control what other people say or how they perceive things or how they act, but you can always choose how you treat yourself. You can choose who you spend your time with, and who you let go of. And no matter what your circumstances, you can always choose to believe in yourself and your worth. At the end of the day, trying to please everyone is exhausting and impossible. No matter how you change or who you become, there will always be someone who doesn't approve. So instead of wasting your energy in a futile attempt to become someone that appears perfect, give yourself permission to be a constant work in progress.
Know that who you are is exactly enough.
Kindred souls will cross your path, learn how to recognize and appreciate them. These are the people who will love and accept you wholeheartedly and without judgement. These are the people who matter. Let go of the rest.
You will never be able to control what other people say or how they perceive things or how they act, but you can always choose how you treat yourself. You can choose who you spend your time with, and who you let go of. And no matter what your circumstances, you can always choose to believe in yourself and your worth. At the end of the day, trying to please everyone is exhausting and impossible. No matter how you change or who you become, there will always be someone who doesn't approve. So instead of wasting your energy in a futile attempt to become someone that appears perfect, give yourself permission to be a constant work in progress.
Know that who you are is exactly enough.
Kindred souls will cross your path, learn how to recognize and appreciate them. These are the people who will love and accept you wholeheartedly and without judgement. These are the people who matter. Let go of the rest.
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
That moment is now.
There is an intelligent healing process inside of you that knows how to absorb pain and transform it into wisdom. But to heal, you have to give yourself to the pain. You cannot avoid facing yourself your whole life. If you avoid your truthful emotions and pain you will implode and contract into a diminished and feeble state. Growth and empowerment requires reflection and facing the frightening, ugly, hard and unbearable reality. People are often clever masters at fooling themselves and not seeing the obvious right in front of them. One of the fastest ways to move through your pain is to get a grip on reality. Real transformation requires real honesty. If you want to move forward — get real with yourself!
Crisis is what suppressed pain looks like; it always comes to the surface. It shakes you into reflection and healing. When you are avoiding your pain you are really only avoiding your growth. Get up in your pain's face eyeball to eyeball and say, "I'm not afraid of you!" The biggest liar you will ever meet is yourself. It is amazing the lies we tell ourselves because of fear. Stop your lying-mind dead in its tracks; no more running in frantic circles of nonsensical denial. No more blaming. No more neglecting. No more dodging and running. The only end to your pain is through fully consuming it and digesting it, otherwise it will consume you. When you face your fears in the light of openness and honesty they will vanish. We carry many of these dark fears inside of us; frightening forms of mental obstacles that cast shadows on every beautiful possibility.
It is sad the way fearful people put all of their fears and insecurities onto others; the way they strangle their dreams — often in the name of love. Some people run from pain their whole lives, and what pain they do not digest they inflict upon others. You can't run from your pain forever. Avoiding pain causes endless suffering for you and others. Avoiding pain is really selfishness. When you face your pain you will discover you were always stronger than your pain. Your pain was always a fraud; appearing inescapable, unsurmountable and even necessary and a friend. The time has come to say goodbye to the afflictions you have been carrying, nurturing, protecting and empowering. When you truly face your pain you will only see yourself. Your fear was always you. Fear is a prison where you are the jailer. Free yourself! Anything you want is just beyond your fear. Your healing hour has arrived the moment you decide to live fully and powerfully. That moment is now.
Crisis is what suppressed pain looks like; it always comes to the surface. It shakes you into reflection and healing. When you are avoiding your pain you are really only avoiding your growth. Get up in your pain's face eyeball to eyeball and say, "I'm not afraid of you!" The biggest liar you will ever meet is yourself. It is amazing the lies we tell ourselves because of fear. Stop your lying-mind dead in its tracks; no more running in frantic circles of nonsensical denial. No more blaming. No more neglecting. No more dodging and running. The only end to your pain is through fully consuming it and digesting it, otherwise it will consume you. When you face your fears in the light of openness and honesty they will vanish. We carry many of these dark fears inside of us; frightening forms of mental obstacles that cast shadows on every beautiful possibility.
It is sad the way fearful people put all of their fears and insecurities onto others; the way they strangle their dreams — often in the name of love. Some people run from pain their whole lives, and what pain they do not digest they inflict upon others. You can't run from your pain forever. Avoiding pain causes endless suffering for you and others. Avoiding pain is really selfishness. When you face your pain you will discover you were always stronger than your pain. Your pain was always a fraud; appearing inescapable, unsurmountable and even necessary and a friend. The time has come to say goodbye to the afflictions you have been carrying, nurturing, protecting and empowering. When you truly face your pain you will only see yourself. Your fear was always you. Fear is a prison where you are the jailer. Free yourself! Anything you want is just beyond your fear. Your healing hour has arrived the moment you decide to live fully and powerfully. That moment is now.
Friday, April 10, 2015
you cannot awaken those who pretend to sleep
It is important to understand that every person is at the level they are supposed to be. There is no good level or bad level, inferior level or superior level, just different frequencies. The chart below is only a guideline. What ever level others are at is not for you to judge. You would be better off using your energy to gain a full understanding of your own journey. I mean yeah, good for you if you can recognize how others are vibrating, maybe you can do or say something to help them if they are stuck a cycle of abuse, if not that's okay too. Just do your best to lead by example. I think that participating in challenging activities that you enjoy (like sports) is a good way expose yourself to lower frequencies.
Having a safe non-judgmental place to practice and master the lower frequencies will prepare you to maintain a higher state.

What Sexy, Consciously Awake Women NEED & Don't WANT from Men
by Kelly Marceau
I’d like to allow my vulnerability to shine through in this piece.
It’s rare that I let down my guard, and come from the heart or speak from the feminine, especially publicly. My masculine has been ruling for so long, I didn’t even realize how hardened I have become, until about a month ago when someone came into my life for a brief moment, blasted some serious perspective, and awoke the sleeping feminine in me.
I’m here, today, ready to show how strong VULNERABILITY truly is.
It’s my coming out party BITCHES.
What, what? REPRESENT.
The word Consciously Awake might trip some of you up. What the heck does that mean and why the hell is it so important? Let me put it to you bluntly, when you are not dealing with a Consciously Awake woman you are dealing with crazy bitches, women with emotional problems and severe insecurity issues. Isn’t that all women? You might be thinking.
If you love drama and women who leak massive amounts of insecurity at you then you might have no business reading this, but if you want to actually be with a woman that you can grow a relationship with, you might want to settle into your seat for the next ten minutes, cause I’m about to lay down some meaningful shit.
If you’re smart you’ll consider what I am conveying and digest then reflect.
If you’re dumb you’ll go back to the same old bullshit that doesn’t work.
The choice is yours.
Before I fall too deep down the rabbit hole, let me express that EVERYONE has issues, but what sets Consciously Awake women apart from every other type of woman on this planet is something called SELF AWARENESS. Yes, Consciously Awake means Self Aware. It is the complete antithesis of SELF CONSCIOUS.
All women start out a little off. Whether it is childhood trauma, sexual abuse, mommy and daddy didn’t teach you much about self respect or worth, bad choices in men, insecurities, doubt, self deprecation—all women have to navigate these waters until they personally decide how they want to view themselves.
I see a lot of self hate in this world, and I, for one, have never struggled with self hate. Self hate is just plain weird and a waste of time in my opinion. I get there will always be someone better, faster, stronger, prettier than me, but there is no one exactly like me. Just like there is no one like you and that alone is worthy of self love and celebration.
When I was twenty-three I discovered I had some issues I needed to examine and work out. I had no idea that my past was playing itself out in my present or why I chose the guys I did. The only thing I had gotten right and didn’t fuck around with when it came to my worth was my ability to not compromise what I wanted out of life. I had a fine relationship with my outer life, but my romantic life kept tripping me up. I chose men that were ambitious and driven, but complete pricks. I liked men that were wicked smart and some of those fools were too wicked for their own good.
Then I met Adam. Adam and I just clicked. There wasn’t a single thing that I couldn’t talk to Adam about, which was such a relief. Adam was a Consciously Awake man, the first I had ever encountered in my life, and his self awareness opened my own world to an expansion of SELF I had been craving for a long time. At twenty three, I got very real with myself. My desire to AWAKEN was bigger than my desire to stay unconscious and I decided to confront my demons and do the work to become a more Consciously Awake human being.
Choosing Conscious Awareness was fuuucking brutal.
Real Self Examination requires COURAGE and DISCIPLINE.
You don’t know what courage looks like until you are sinking in piles of your own shit and you have to figure a way out before it suffocates you.
Let’s make no mistake—Consciously Awake Women don’t just exist—we have evolved through enormous effort and courage to confront the tumultuous waters of our own emotional landscape and social conditioning. Women like us are not entitled or self righteous, we are confident and love ourselves. Don’t mistake self-love and self-care for selfish. Women like us are not selfish, we just have boundaries, and we trust our intuition.
Consciously Awake Women are not your average woman. We will not allow fear to prohibit us from looking into the fires of our own souls and own our emotional triggers, past wounds, flaws, mistakes, or pain. We aren’t afraid of therapy or coaching. We have consciously chosen to grow and evolve our beings and take pride in our personal development.
We care about our health, attitude, style, and connections. You can talk to women like us, even if you piss us off and a situation gets heated we are reasonable. We can admit when we are wrong. We will come around and we are always willing to talk things out once the dust has settled, unless we have decided you’re not worth our time or energy.
Consciously Awake Women are not flawless, stuff does come up, and we slip up from time to time, but what sets us apart is deep down we are psychologically healthy and sane, even if we like to get crazy at a good party, enjoy a fabulous cocktail or the occasional puff. Awake doesn’t mean boring, it doesn’t mean goodie goodie, it means that we deal with our issues and our problems are workable.
Consciously Awake Women are relationship material and the kind of women MEN want.
All this – WE DON’T NEED YOU – crap is a big fat fucking lie.
The problem is a lot of you are lame, unreliable, emotional stunted, and impossible to date.
There is a reason a lot women have every right to think the vast majority of men are cavemen, stupid, and a headache.
Ever since the Women’s Lib movement women have been trying so hard to compete with men for the respect and equality we deserve that women have only begun to fully understand how the over-arching male ego of our greater reality and history has fractured our femininity. Women’s Lib made women more masculine, not feminine. If women wanted to play with the BIG BOYS we had to play a man’s game. We had to armor up. Women turned to masculinity for strength to compete in a man’s world, making us hard, bitter, aggressive, angry bitches who have little to no faith in the emotional maturity or acknowledgement of men. It’s age long conundrum and situation that I personally feel is about to come to a very big HEAD.
Consciously Awake Women are tired of fighting and shrinking for the right to seen and honored for the magnitude of what and who we are. We want you to take your blinders off. We want you to actually treat women the way you would want men to treat your daughters.
I, for one, am tired to fighting and shrinking.
Today, I am taking off the armor and the boxing gloves.
I no longer need to self protect to be STRONG. I am STRONG.
I’m not afraid to feel. I am emotional. I can be hurt and it is okay.
Strong Consciously Awake Women seek emotionally mature MEN who value personal and emotional growth.
There is nothing unsexier to a woman who is capable of owning her own shit and having a healthy functional relationship than a guy who is still potty training emotionally, and yet these types are running rampant in our culture. I have to address these types of guys so that the ones who are like this can be called out and the women still toying with these dudes can see the signs and make better choices.
Let this be noted, emotionally messed up women fall into the same category as these emotional challenged men. They’re merely opposite ends of a spectrum, so keep that in mind if as you read and find yourself wanting to argue that women have issues too! Yes, a lot of women have issues just like men. When you see me writing about the dysfunction in men, it goes both ways.
There is a big difference between a MAN who can harness his boy spirit, and be playful, loving, funny, and obnoxious, and a man who has the emotional intelligence of a teenage boy.
1). He’s never explored his emotional landscape or done inner personal work, meaning gone through extensive therapy or personal and emotional coaching.
2). He can’t own his shit, meaning his emotional issues, triggers, unresolved childhood stuff or dysfunctional family imprinting.
3) He’s insecure and projects his fear and emotional wounds onto you, but tries to spin it like you’re the one with issues.
Emotionally stunted MEN are an epidemic in our culture.
A lot of these emotionally stunted guys have awesome personalities, cause they’re cool in every other way than how they choose to deal with their emotions. ALL WOMEN get caught up with these types at one stage or another until they wise up. WHY? Cause we aren’t living in a culture where the emotional intelligence of men is predominately great and sometimes it takes awhile to see people for who they actually are.
A lot of women are so starved for connection that they make excuses and then get roped into year long love affairs when WARNING SIGNS have been flashing the entire time. It gets lonely out there for women when 9 out of 10 guys have fractured male egos. The choices for women are not exactly far reaching.
Listen up ladies, stop falling for a guy’s potential or what he could be. If he has major emotional issues (like the ones I highlighted), you will be baby siting, playing mommy, and living with a headache larger than life! Unless he is willing to work his shit out without you nagging him to man up, or he has his own personal desire to grow himself, you will suffer his shortcomings. I can guarantee that.
In my opinion, guys like these are an EPIC WASTE OF TIME and are best left to girls who just don’t get it.
Don’t get duped by looks, good sex, or whatever fun qualities these guys posses. You need to find a man who is constantly growing himself or else you will wind up in a one sided relationship, bitter, and unfulfilled. A lot of women want to be with the idea of someone, but unless you want your delusions to come crashing down and be in the worst emotional pain of your life, LISTEN TO ME. I have seen more than you can imagine and I have dedicated my psyche to awakening since I was twenty-four.
Consciously Awake Women might be attracted to these types for a couple days, even weeks if you rarely hang out, but the second she sees your bullshit she will lose interest. We’ve already been down that road and we aren’t looking for disappointment. We are looking for someone who stands out. Women like us are not afraid of a man who challenges us to grow our being. If you are not growing and rising up to the level you want you to living in your fears and I, for one, didn’t come here to live in fears.sry
It is a daily choice to confront what scares you. You can either choose to live in fear or you can choose to get the life you crave and need to fully experience what you are capable of.
Only fucked up women want to babysit or play mommy to men, the rest of us want the real deal and evolved men.
Good women need MEN that can self reflect, own their shit, and take responsibility for their emotional wounds or else women are stuck in a world full of emotional and mental midgets.
Women need MEN who have the courage to confront their demons.
We are not asking for perfection, but we have high standards. You can have issues but you better be dealing with them. We want to be with men who take your emotional maturity seriously.
If you have ever heard a women you cared for tell you that you need to:
1). Man Up
2). Become more Aware, Accountable, or Responsible
3). Go to Counseling
4). Own Your Shit
5). Stop Projecting, Controlling, and Criticizing
6). Hear not Listen
7). That you act like a Baby, a Queen or a Pussy, and have Severe Emotional Problems
We want men we can rely on and can compliment us. We don’t want to COMPETE with you. We want men who will take the time to get to know us, honor our brilliance, beauty, personalities, and capabilities without tearing us down or not showing up the way a lot of men do. Men who are hard on themselves or beat themselves up will be hard on you. And that shit ain’t kosher, you feel me?
All this self deprecation and abuse in our culture has to end. What good does beating yourself up do? If you want to be GREAT at something just do it, keep at it, and be patient with your process. If you suck or have a lot of growth ahead of you, just own it and move forward. Why would you be your own slave driver? Why would you want to cut someone that you care about down to size so you don’t have to own the fact that you are in dire need of emotional growth?
Beating yourself down, feeling bad, insecure, not good enough, or worthy is a waste. It solves nothing. The only thing it does is make you feel horrible, so if someone is doing this to you or to themselves—BAIL. Don’t wait around for that person to figure themselves out. If you choose to be friends with men who have emotional issues, let them do their thing, but don’t have delusions about their growth and what that could mean for you.
We need to look toward SOLUTIONS and get to where we want to be and stop wasting time. You don’t have a lot of time on this planet.
Women who have gone to great lengths to develop themselves emotionally and who have worked for what they have in life are not about to apologize, minimize their feelings or sell themselves short for these self entitled little brat boys who want to be the prize. Evolved women don’t chase men, girls do. Girls that don’t know their own worth will put guys on a pedastool and if you need that, man, you have a VERY LOW SELF ESTEEM.
You might as well tell everyone you need a fluffer in life in order to get an erection, cause that is the kind of guy you are emotionally. If a woman is bold enough to tell you she wants you or likes you, you need take the reigns dude, on EVERY LEVEL, or else she is not going to chase you, and she will start to think you are not man enough. No woman worth having is ever going to dote on you when you haven’t given her a reason to. She won’t cater to insecurities when you don’t posses the ability in your heart to feel her love. And she sure as shit won’t shovel reassurance at you when she can tell that reassuring you is going to be a full time job.
If you want a woman, go get her, cause Consciously Awake Women don’t wait around. We look for authentic qualities and men who represent. We want the real deal and only give three chances (if that). If you blow it, that’s it.
Some men like to call women nags, bitches, crazy, cunts, intense and whatever else you can muster, but let me be the first to tell you that our feelings have an origin. Women aren’t bitches or intense for no reason. We are not crazy either. We are tired of dealing with emotional and mental morons we can’t grow a relationship with.
It’s lonely and exhausting for powerful women who can’t find men that are our emotional equal. And you guys who just want what they want without working for it aren’t going to EVER get GREAT.
In all fairness, not all men have their head in the sand. Some men take a proactive stance about their inner personal work and self reflect, look at the common theme and failures in their relationships, and actively seek evolution without mommy dearest having to spank them into shape, but for those of you that are stubborn, caught up in image, have Peter Pan Syndrome, think your shit don’t stink, always blame the woman and never take ownership of the part you play in your twisted dynamics, I’m telling you now, that you can have the kind of woman you want if you choose to become the kind of man a woman like that could actually be with.
You will never get an amazing women if YOU’RE LAME. Period.
Getting what you want and need doesn’t have to be so difficult or challenging.
If you love someone or want someone and you think they’re out of your league or you look at them and see how far you have to grow and cower, that is ON YOU. Don’t ever try to be something you are not. We are all flawed and in need of growth. Honoring the truth and doing what it takes daily is all that anyone can ask. You have to be the one to decide how much you are willing to give and devote of your being to what your heart truly desires. Fear of pain, hurt, loss is not an excuse.
You are here to LIVE and LOVE not hide under the bed. Let someone stand by you, but take some fucking responsibility for yourself. You cannot ever ask something of someone you are not willing to do with yourself.
Right now, I’m pioneering a path to empower a new breed of women. Women who can stand in their power and be enough for themselves, so that they stop hurting themselves unintentionally. Men will always be a problem, they’re men, but I think that the heart of a woman’s issues is her own worth. If you stop looking outside of yourself and start looking at how you create your reality you have to ask yourself what you are and aren’t willing to put up with?
No man on this planet is worth half the heart ache you feel. The right ones take care of you and don’t fuck with you and you need to gravitate toward those kinds of men with all your heart. If you don’t know when to trust yourself or how to trust yourself and love yourself to choose better, ask yourself these 3 things:
1). Do I feel good about myself around this person?
2). Does this person serve my highest good?
3). Does this person treat me with respect and compassion?
If you answer NO to any of these questions: GET THE FUCK OUT!
There are way too many men in this world to SETTLE for bullshit. And if he’s hot, honey there will be another. There are always others.
Let’s be allies and let’s help each other out. Life is challenging enough.
Good Talk, YO!
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
because anybody can say anything
Be careful where you get your information. A lot of people who talk about success aren't very successful. A lot of people who teach about business aren't very accomplished at business. There must be a million social media "experts" who haven't accomplished anything with social media. Too many people out there are giving other people bad information; some call that the blind leading the blind, and it can not only be immoral, but it can even be dangerous. If someone is telling you how to be good to yourself — it is reasonable to have a close look at them and see if they are good to themselves. People who talk a lot about compassion often have no compassion for themselves. They want to help everyone when their life is a wreck. They go from one failed "uplifting" enterprise to another, but the wheels are falling-off their car, their body is out of whack and their finances are out of order, yet somehow, there they are, "advising people." They want to help everyone when they can't even help themselves. What they really need to do is take care of their own business. The last thing any of us need is ill advice from someone fully out of control in their own life. So before you take that advice that is being offered, take a good look at who is delivering it. Carefully study their energy, their lifestyle, their health and their relationships, and if they are living the life they talk — then, and only then should you listen.
One of the ways to love yourself is to make an effort to find good information for yourself. Whether it is love, finances, goal reaching or our personal struggles — good advice can save us untold pain and suffering. One of the biggest problems people have in life is seldom getting any really good advice from qualified people. Too often, even as children, we receive poor or even no advice for living life. We are also not taught how to pick good mentors. As powerful as a mentor or role model can be, they can be equally destructive if they are themselves misinformed. The lesson here is to learn how to pick and choose your advice from people who have demonstrated they know how to make their type of advice actually work in the real world. If you want better relationships — take advice from those who have good relationships. If you want more money, take financial advice from those who have been successful financially and who also share your values. If you want to be healthy, then learn from those who have been able to cultivate and maintain good health in their own lives. If someone has failed over and over, of course you can listen and learn from their lessons, but they only have half of the story. The best lessons in success come from successful people, who more often than not have both failed and succeeded. A person who has both failed and succeeded likely has the whole story and can help you with the steps to move forward. You can listen and learn from everyone, but just as there are different levels of advice, there are different levels of listening. Sure, you can learn from someone who has fallen and messed-up, but you can learn even more from someone who has gotten back up and recovered. Find good mentors, advisors and role models for yourself and listen and learn from them. You will be amazed how your life can change with useful information in your brain.
One of the ways to love yourself is to make an effort to find good information for yourself. Whether it is love, finances, goal reaching or our personal struggles — good advice can save us untold pain and suffering. One of the biggest problems people have in life is seldom getting any really good advice from qualified people. Too often, even as children, we receive poor or even no advice for living life. We are also not taught how to pick good mentors. As powerful as a mentor or role model can be, they can be equally destructive if they are themselves misinformed. The lesson here is to learn how to pick and choose your advice from people who have demonstrated they know how to make their type of advice actually work in the real world. If you want better relationships — take advice from those who have good relationships. If you want more money, take financial advice from those who have been successful financially and who also share your values. If you want to be healthy, then learn from those who have been able to cultivate and maintain good health in their own lives. If someone has failed over and over, of course you can listen and learn from their lessons, but they only have half of the story. The best lessons in success come from successful people, who more often than not have both failed and succeeded. A person who has both failed and succeeded likely has the whole story and can help you with the steps to move forward. You can listen and learn from everyone, but just as there are different levels of advice, there are different levels of listening. Sure, you can learn from someone who has fallen and messed-up, but you can learn even more from someone who has gotten back up and recovered. Find good mentors, advisors and role models for yourself and listen and learn from them. You will be amazed how your life can change with useful information in your brain.
recognizing kindness
There is a perception that speaking up for boundaries is somehow introducing conflict into a situation, or at very least, escalating it in an unkind way, like, everything was fine until you spoke up for your needs and now you made it weird. But not speaking up is not making the situation better, it’s just giving the other person more license to operate and communicating that you are okay with the behavior. There is no prize for being the world’s most stoic and accommodating person. A friendship that cannot survive a the momentary discomfort of you standing up for your needs is not actually a friendship worth holding onto. Nobody loves being told that they are screwing up, obviously, but if you don’t have the ability to ever take any negative feedback along the lines of “Hey, could you not do that one thing anymore, thanks?” from a friend, YOU are the problem. When told that they are stepping on someone’s foot, good mature people will apologize and get off the foot and not perpetuate a FEELINGSDUMP about their need to really stand on feet sometimes. Communicating “Hey, that’s where my boundary is, thanks” IS KINDNESS. It is giving the other person the tools they need to be in a good relationship with you.
—Jennifer Peepas
Friday, March 27, 2015
why its important to pay attention >
They don’t teach you how to hurt. How to truly hurt, to truly feel every inch of your body on fire and be at peace with it. To see your grandfather or your brother grieving in front of you, to see your mother throw herself into the plot and beg for the world to take her too. They don’t teach you how to hold someone who is delicate and lost, who just needs to feel the sincerity within your cells against their aching skin. They don’t teach you how to cry with your best friend, how to compassionately be there for another human being because you were once there as well.
No, they don’t teach you how to love. How to truly love, how to selflessly commit to someone else, how to give your heart to another human being and trust that their palms won’t crush your gift. They don’t teach you how to love yourself, how to build a temple within your ribcage that doesn’t wax and wane with validation, that doesn’t turn to ruins in the midst of your confusion. They don’t teach you how to stand alone, in pure confidence, in ruthless certainty of your matchless heart.
They don’t teach you resistance, resilience. They don’t teach you how to make ends meet, how to get up each and every solitary day as a single mother or a struggling twenty something when all you want to do is sleep. They don’t teach you how to live with your demons, with your disappointments, they don’t teach you how to figure out who you used to be before you allowed for your flaws to define you. They don’t teach you how to push, how to truly push back at life when it closes in on you, how to remind yourself of white-hot light in the midst of a sapphire dark spell. They don’t teach you how to survive.
See, if math were a life lesson we would learn how to count the number of times we’ve been let down. We would learn to subtract all of our pride, leaving us with understanding, leaving us with a will to persist. If geography were that of existence, we would take fieldtrips to the redwoods and breathe in their beauty, we would learn about how the universe is mapped out within our veins, how the Milky Way and Cassiopeia are dancing within our brains. If art were a life lecture, we would take a magnifying glass to the cracks within our bodies, and we would see just how whole we are in spite of them, just how artistic our own wounds can be, like famed Renaissance mosaics, like chipped one hundred year old paintings.
No, they don’t teach you what it takes to be human, what it takes to be real. For the reality of life thrives in our experiences of it. The marrow within our bones is made up of practice; it is made up of the memories that defined us, the moments that surprised us, that hurt us, that challenged us. We are walking, breathing lessons, our cities are our institutes, our peers are our professors, our mistakes are our tutors. Make sure you are constantly educating yourself; make sure you are constantly learning.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
everyone you meet has something to teach you
When our own feelings of insecurity or vulnerability are triggered we typically feel compelled to protect ourselves. Our ego starts to judge and label others as toxic and negative, it might become natural to avoid people who pull those triggers in our lives. But there are a few people like family members that will be part of your life no matter how deeply you deny them, all the things you do to avoid them will not matter because it cannot change the fact that you're connected for this life. So the best thing to do in this situation would be to try learn something from it.....we all need a safe non-judgemental place to practice coping skills. most of use find that with close friends and family members who can and will forgive mistakes. we all make mistakes because nobody is perfect, we all get overwhelmed, we all jump to conclusions, we all can be hasty, we all have toxic energy that we will try to project onto others. this is why self awareness is key. developing coping skills is crucial to having a happy life. Its important to be able to recognize toxic behaviors, but mostly so that you can realize and recognize when you're being toxic yourself, because you can stop that, you are the only one to have control over yourself.
1. People who think your dreams stink.
We have a word for people who don’t believe in your dreams. “Haters.” They may belittle your dreams, make you feel as though you’ve failed – even before you’ve even started. What they say may come off as negative, but you might not want to write them off just yet. These 'haters' may have dreams and goals themselves and know just how hard it can be to reach them. This is why they’re important in our lives. If they don’t think that our dreams are going to come to fruition, it could be telling. It could also be that they give you added motivation to prove them wrong. And motivation is something we need some of every day.
2. People who stress you out.
I think we’ve all had stressful relationships in our lives at some point or another with people who demand a lot of our time, like family members or co-workers. They can drive us up the wall with their drama and negativity. They can demand a lot of us too. The thought of spending time with a negative person may be totally cringe-worthy, but you should learn to deal with that stress and deal with them. Why? People spend so much time avoid stress that they don’t realize that not all stress is bad. Sometimes being stressed out is a good thing. It can sometimes push you to do better in your own life. All these stories of people who had a tough go of it but ended up successful? They can handle stress masterfully. So learn how to tap into the positive energy of your stressful pals.
3. People who take advantage of you.
Being taken advantage of stinks, and we tend to dislike the people who take advantage of us. It’s a toxic feeling and can start to impact how you deal with other people too. Avoiding people who take advantage of you may seem like the right choice, but you could be able to take advantage of them taking advantage of you. Honestly, we all use each other. It’s part of the social fabric of people a human being. I wouldn’t call it unusual or even terrible for people to befriend you because of what you might have to offer them. Sometimes you do it too! So when someone is taking advantage of you, communicating with them about it can turn the tables. So don't be afraid to speak up and explain your perspective. Its a lot less offensive if you're upfront about it. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, but you also have to be willing to accept NO as an answer. You might do something nice for them, but in turn, you may also seek them out for their assistance too. Everyone can bring something to the table.
4. People who don’t care about you.
Everyone wants to be liked, even the most anti-social among us. When we encounter someone who doesn’t seem to care about us being around, it can feel bad, but it may actually be a good thing. Having people in your life who don’t care about you reminds you of the quality people. So it’s not necessarily a bad thing if someone doesn’t really like you or care about you. Your friends and acquaintances who don’t care do well to remind you of the importance of your true friends.
5. People who criticize you and point our your flaws.
Face it. Nobody likes hearing about their flaws. When people take to pointing out your flaws, it can feel toxic and hurtful. They pick at who you are and each comment feels like a dagger. Guard yourself against these people for sure, but hear what they have to say. Sometimes it’s important to hear the message and disregard the package that their message was wrapped in. Criticism is how we grow as people. But it is worth noting that people who criticize you for things outside of your control, like what family came from, your sexuality, gender or any other innate feature are not particularly useful in your life. There’s a difference between bigots who only put others down to make themselves feel better and friends who might point out your flaws because they want to see you grow. Letting yourself get offended when other's have opinions that do not match your own only lowers your vibrations. You can't change other people. Keep in mind if you decide to criticize others, they won't ever stop liking what they like, they just stop liking you.
3 steps to help you appreciate people that you do not like
To use the Law of Attraction effectively, you have to find a way to appreciate the things around you as much as you can. Fixating negatively on anything only lowers your vibration and brings you more of what you don’t like. Many of us struggle to focus positively on the people we dislike. It can be challenging to figure out how to appreciate people that annoy, hurt or anger us. That being said, there are a few things that you can do to find appreciation for the people you’ve traditionally felt very negatively about. Here are three steps you can use to help you do this. *For the best results, please complete these steps in order. It might be hard for you to start with the last one without completing the first two:
1. Find their struggle: We all are struggling with something because this is how we grow and evolve. Even the people you hate are having difficulty in some area of their life. Take some time to think about what this person is really struggling with right now. Maybe their love life is going poorly, they are sick or they are having problems at their job. Looking for another person’s struggle will help you empathize with them and reduce the negative feelings you have towards them. As a quick note, don’t spend too much effort on this step because technically it focuses you in a negative direction. Focusing too much on another person’s struggles will only amplify their struggles and yours. However, in small doses it can bring out your concern and compassion just enough to help you be more receptive to appreciation.
2. Evaluate them for any positive personality traits: It is very likely that your personalities are not particularly compatible, but there will be at least one thing about this individual’s personality that you like. Maybe they are funny, they speak well, they are generous, or they are clean and neat. Dig into this person’s personality to find anything that you agree with and appreciate. The more items you find, the better.
3. Evaluate them for any redeeming physical characteristics: Maybe you hate they way they treat you, but that doesn’t mean that everything about them is displeasing. Maybe they have nice eyes, a great haircut or nice jewelry. When you are around someone you don’t like take a moment to look them over for anything that is pleasing to you. Again, the more items you find, the better. If you feel up to it, let them know what you like! Complimenting people reduces tension and adds more positive momentum towards appreciation. It can be very easy to be put off by one aspect of another person’s disposition, but each and every one of us is multi-faceted. We can choose to look at the things we don’t like, or we can choose to search for the things that we do like. Taking the time to find little things that you appreciate about the people you’ve traditionally disliked will help you use the Law of Attraction more effectively. This is because an area of your life that has typically elicited negative feelings will now be generating more positive emotions from you. Positive emotions are critical if you want to create a life you love. As an added bonus, the Law of Attraction brings you what you think and feel about, so focusing on the positive traits of another will create a situation where you see more about them that you like and less of what you don’t. With practice, you will find that it becomes easier to be around these people when they pop up in your life. To be certain, you may do all three of these steps and still find that you don’t fall in love with this person. We’re not all going to immediately become best friends, and that’s ok. The benefit of doing these steps is simply that it will help you improve your vibration. Your ability to find appreciation even in the face of the unwanted will make you a master of the Law of Attraction
It’s easy to shrug off missed chances as risks we were not ready to take. But when it comes down to it, are we ever fully prepared to take the big risks that present themselves to us? Are we ever going to be 100% prepared to make a change?
We could always be smarter. Or funnier. Or thinner. Or more qualified. But life doesn’t wait for us to catch up. While we’re busy developing ourselves, time is quickly zooming on: Favoring those who are not ready either but who want to try anyway. Who want to challenge themselves by taking chances. Who want to grow into being ready. And who aren’t afraid to look a little stupid while they’re figuring things out.
I have a particularly clever friend who once wanted a research grant quite badly. As a second year undergraduate student, she considered herself tremendously under qualified. “I paced back and forth outside of my Professor’s hallway trying to convince myself to go in and bring it up,” She told to me, “And then I remembered something my mother used to tell me. She’d say, ‘Chloe there are two types of people in this world: People with knowledge and people with nerve. And the jobs often go to the latter. Someone far less qualified than you is out there working the job that you want because they had the courage to ask for it.’”
Chloe wasn’t ready for the position she landed herself in, but she found herself in it regardless. And once she got that grant, she struggled in the role until she excelled at it. Isn’t that how so many of our biggest changes present themselves?
The big steps in life – the big leaps forward – never wait until we’re ready to take them. That connection you’ve been too scared to make. That person you’ve been too scared to love. That job you’ve been dreaming about for as long as you can remember – none of them are waiting to waltz into your life as soon as you’re emotionally prepared for them.
We become strong by first being weak. We become capable by first being incapable. And we become ready by first being entirely unprepared. The goal isn’t to know everything right away. The goal is to waltz into the unknown and declare yourself worthy and capable of being there. To live out the chaos until it’s clear.
At the end of the day, we’re never going to be 100% ready for anything. Not for the job of our dreams and not for a job at the mini mart. Not for the person we want to spend our lives with and not for the person we want to spend the night with. Life is one big scary unknown and we just have to decide which parts of it we want to dive into anyway. The unknown that thrills us or the unknown that tires us. The unknown that inspires us or the unknown that tears us apart.
No risk will ever be simple. You’re going to fail and be criticized regardless of which life path you take – so why not take the one that challenges you? Why not engage in the choices that grow you? Why not pour your heart and soul into something that inspires and invigorates you and ultimately leaves you better for having done it?
We don’t have to be ready for anything that comes our way in life. We grow into whichever paths we walk down with curious, open hearts.
We just have to risk taking those first steps – ready or not.
1. People who think your dreams stink.
We have a word for people who don’t believe in your dreams. “Haters.” They may belittle your dreams, make you feel as though you’ve failed – even before you’ve even started. What they say may come off as negative, but you might not want to write them off just yet. These 'haters' may have dreams and goals themselves and know just how hard it can be to reach them. This is why they’re important in our lives. If they don’t think that our dreams are going to come to fruition, it could be telling. It could also be that they give you added motivation to prove them wrong. And motivation is something we need some of every day.
2. People who stress you out.
I think we’ve all had stressful relationships in our lives at some point or another with people who demand a lot of our time, like family members or co-workers. They can drive us up the wall with their drama and negativity. They can demand a lot of us too. The thought of spending time with a negative person may be totally cringe-worthy, but you should learn to deal with that stress and deal with them. Why? People spend so much time avoid stress that they don’t realize that not all stress is bad. Sometimes being stressed out is a good thing. It can sometimes push you to do better in your own life. All these stories of people who had a tough go of it but ended up successful? They can handle stress masterfully. So learn how to tap into the positive energy of your stressful pals.
3. People who take advantage of you.
Being taken advantage of stinks, and we tend to dislike the people who take advantage of us. It’s a toxic feeling and can start to impact how you deal with other people too. Avoiding people who take advantage of you may seem like the right choice, but you could be able to take advantage of them taking advantage of you. Honestly, we all use each other. It’s part of the social fabric of people a human being. I wouldn’t call it unusual or even terrible for people to befriend you because of what you might have to offer them. Sometimes you do it too! So when someone is taking advantage of you, communicating with them about it can turn the tables. So don't be afraid to speak up and explain your perspective. Its a lot less offensive if you're upfront about it. There is nothing wrong with asking for help, but you also have to be willing to accept NO as an answer. You might do something nice for them, but in turn, you may also seek them out for their assistance too. Everyone can bring something to the table.
4. People who don’t care about you.
Everyone wants to be liked, even the most anti-social among us. When we encounter someone who doesn’t seem to care about us being around, it can feel bad, but it may actually be a good thing. Having people in your life who don’t care about you reminds you of the quality people. So it’s not necessarily a bad thing if someone doesn’t really like you or care about you. Your friends and acquaintances who don’t care do well to remind you of the importance of your true friends.
5. People who criticize you and point our your flaws.
Face it. Nobody likes hearing about their flaws. When people take to pointing out your flaws, it can feel toxic and hurtful. They pick at who you are and each comment feels like a dagger. Guard yourself against these people for sure, but hear what they have to say. Sometimes it’s important to hear the message and disregard the package that their message was wrapped in. Criticism is how we grow as people. But it is worth noting that people who criticize you for things outside of your control, like what family came from, your sexuality, gender or any other innate feature are not particularly useful in your life. There’s a difference between bigots who only put others down to make themselves feel better and friends who might point out your flaws because they want to see you grow. Letting yourself get offended when other's have opinions that do not match your own only lowers your vibrations. You can't change other people. Keep in mind if you decide to criticize others, they won't ever stop liking what they like, they just stop liking you.
3 steps to help you appreciate people that you do not like
To use the Law of Attraction effectively, you have to find a way to appreciate the things around you as much as you can. Fixating negatively on anything only lowers your vibration and brings you more of what you don’t like. Many of us struggle to focus positively on the people we dislike. It can be challenging to figure out how to appreciate people that annoy, hurt or anger us. That being said, there are a few things that you can do to find appreciation for the people you’ve traditionally felt very negatively about. Here are three steps you can use to help you do this. *For the best results, please complete these steps in order. It might be hard for you to start with the last one without completing the first two:
1. Find their struggle: We all are struggling with something because this is how we grow and evolve. Even the people you hate are having difficulty in some area of their life. Take some time to think about what this person is really struggling with right now. Maybe their love life is going poorly, they are sick or they are having problems at their job. Looking for another person’s struggle will help you empathize with them and reduce the negative feelings you have towards them. As a quick note, don’t spend too much effort on this step because technically it focuses you in a negative direction. Focusing too much on another person’s struggles will only amplify their struggles and yours. However, in small doses it can bring out your concern and compassion just enough to help you be more receptive to appreciation.
2. Evaluate them for any positive personality traits: It is very likely that your personalities are not particularly compatible, but there will be at least one thing about this individual’s personality that you like. Maybe they are funny, they speak well, they are generous, or they are clean and neat. Dig into this person’s personality to find anything that you agree with and appreciate. The more items you find, the better.
3. Evaluate them for any redeeming physical characteristics: Maybe you hate they way they treat you, but that doesn’t mean that everything about them is displeasing. Maybe they have nice eyes, a great haircut or nice jewelry. When you are around someone you don’t like take a moment to look them over for anything that is pleasing to you. Again, the more items you find, the better. If you feel up to it, let them know what you like! Complimenting people reduces tension and adds more positive momentum towards appreciation. It can be very easy to be put off by one aspect of another person’s disposition, but each and every one of us is multi-faceted. We can choose to look at the things we don’t like, or we can choose to search for the things that we do like. Taking the time to find little things that you appreciate about the people you’ve traditionally disliked will help you use the Law of Attraction more effectively. This is because an area of your life that has typically elicited negative feelings will now be generating more positive emotions from you. Positive emotions are critical if you want to create a life you love. As an added bonus, the Law of Attraction brings you what you think and feel about, so focusing on the positive traits of another will create a situation where you see more about them that you like and less of what you don’t. With practice, you will find that it becomes easier to be around these people when they pop up in your life. To be certain, you may do all three of these steps and still find that you don’t fall in love with this person. We’re not all going to immediately become best friends, and that’s ok. The benefit of doing these steps is simply that it will help you improve your vibration. Your ability to find appreciation even in the face of the unwanted will make you a master of the Law of Attraction
It’s easy to shrug off missed chances as risks we were not ready to take. But when it comes down to it, are we ever fully prepared to take the big risks that present themselves to us? Are we ever going to be 100% prepared to make a change?
We could always be smarter. Or funnier. Or thinner. Or more qualified. But life doesn’t wait for us to catch up. While we’re busy developing ourselves, time is quickly zooming on: Favoring those who are not ready either but who want to try anyway. Who want to challenge themselves by taking chances. Who want to grow into being ready. And who aren’t afraid to look a little stupid while they’re figuring things out.
I have a particularly clever friend who once wanted a research grant quite badly. As a second year undergraduate student, she considered herself tremendously under qualified. “I paced back and forth outside of my Professor’s hallway trying to convince myself to go in and bring it up,” She told to me, “And then I remembered something my mother used to tell me. She’d say, ‘Chloe there are two types of people in this world: People with knowledge and people with nerve. And the jobs often go to the latter. Someone far less qualified than you is out there working the job that you want because they had the courage to ask for it.’”
Chloe wasn’t ready for the position she landed herself in, but she found herself in it regardless. And once she got that grant, she struggled in the role until she excelled at it. Isn’t that how so many of our biggest changes present themselves?
The big steps in life – the big leaps forward – never wait until we’re ready to take them. That connection you’ve been too scared to make. That person you’ve been too scared to love. That job you’ve been dreaming about for as long as you can remember – none of them are waiting to waltz into your life as soon as you’re emotionally prepared for them.
We become strong by first being weak. We become capable by first being incapable. And we become ready by first being entirely unprepared. The goal isn’t to know everything right away. The goal is to waltz into the unknown and declare yourself worthy and capable of being there. To live out the chaos until it’s clear.
At the end of the day, we’re never going to be 100% ready for anything. Not for the job of our dreams and not for a job at the mini mart. Not for the person we want to spend our lives with and not for the person we want to spend the night with. Life is one big scary unknown and we just have to decide which parts of it we want to dive into anyway. The unknown that thrills us or the unknown that tires us. The unknown that inspires us or the unknown that tears us apart.
No risk will ever be simple. You’re going to fail and be criticized regardless of which life path you take – so why not take the one that challenges you? Why not engage in the choices that grow you? Why not pour your heart and soul into something that inspires and invigorates you and ultimately leaves you better for having done it?
We don’t have to be ready for anything that comes our way in life. We grow into whichever paths we walk down with curious, open hearts.
We just have to risk taking those first steps – ready or not.
check yourself before you wreck yourself
Energetic vibration is not something everyone is attuned to. Sure, we feel the ‘vibes’ around certain people, or in some places or situations – but it’s easier to be attuned to other people’s vibes than it is our own. Here are some ways to become attuned to yourself so that you can raise your vibration if it’s slipping and keep it high on a daily basis.
Check your mood!
1. Check your mood. For years I got to work with physical therapist/trainer that asked me everyday before and after I worked out 'how do you feel' and i had to pause and give an honest answer in order to see the results of my workouts. I still do it on my own and I really do think that it is one of the best habits he gave me. You have to look within to know for sure WHAT you feel; happy, energized, enthusiastic and bright? Or, are you moody, depressed, lethargic, angry or resentful? Persistent sadness, anger or other negative emotions signal a low vibration. You have the power to change your moods. Your negative moods are important. Don’t deny them – they are important to your self-awareness – but do make an attempt to elevate yourself above them as quickly as possible. The simplest way is to acknowledge, “I feel (sad, angry, jealous, etc.).” Part of this recognition involves knowing that you are not your feelings. They are temporary experiences and that’s all. They are not you. So never say, “I am sad,” or “I am angry.” You are not these things. You can say, “I feel sad” or “I feel angry.” See the difference? Often, just voicing the fact that you feel a certain way takes the focus away from the problem (putting it on the feeling) and then it’s easier to let it move through you and dissipate. If you focus on the problem, the feelings continue but if you focus on the feeling and give no mental energy to the problem, the feelings will pass.
SOLUTION: smile! Fake a smile if you have to, but hold it for at least 2 minutes for a scientifically proven mood lifter! Or put on your favorite song and dance it out. Channeling energy is key.
Check your results!
2. Check your results. A high vibration manifests as positive results; a low vibration manifests as negative results. If things were going along just fine and then suddenly took a turn for the worse, it’s due to a lowering of your vibration. Keep in mind that your circumstances are the result of past vibrations, though – you may still be dealing with the residue of ways you used to vibrate.
SOLUTION: be patient, keep your vibes as high as you can, and things will go on the upswing again!
Check your mindset!
3. Check your mindset. Your mental processes are directly affected by your vibration. A high vibration is characterized by a growth mindset; sharp thinking, quick learning, easy memory recall, innovative problem solving and high creativity. Low vibration is characterized by a fixed mindset; sluggish thinking, slow learning, “mental fog,” poor memory, being stuck on problems and creative blocks.
SOLUTION: inspire your inner artist! PLAY. Do something you love to do that has absolutely nothing to do with your responsibilities. Stimulate your mind with this cherished activity until you feel better. It won’t take long!
Check your body!
4. Check your body. The way our energy is flowing through our physical body holds many of clues about the frequency. Headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, skin problems, sleep disturbances, low libido and frequent illness are common symptoms of low vibration. All of them can be traced back to energy. They are symptoms that may appear to have a physical cause, but in reality a “physical” cause is also at its root, an energetic cause. If you have ever been through a long-term difficult period you know that it took a toll on your health and vitality. Similarly, being in love and doing something you love stimulate good health and higher vibrations.
SOLUTION: listen to what your body is telling you. You may be so used to feeling depressed, or stressed, that you don’t even notice it. But your body does. It will respond with fatigue, sleep problems and many other symptoms. Don’t take any physical clues lightly. Do what you can to raise your vibration through improving your mindset; and support your body with excellent nutrition, exercise and rest. Honor your healthy urges and healthy cravings. Use a holistic mind/body approach to raising your vibration: exercise makes you feel good, and when your mind is in a positive state, you feel like exercising. Take that first step and get out there and move your body.
Check your home!
5. Check your home. Your home is a physical representation of what is going on in your energy. For example, someone who is overwhelmed and worried will often neglect their home because they just can’t handle yet another chore on their to-do list. These low-vibrating energies make themselves comfortable in your home and they manifest as clutter, dirt and disorder.
SOLUTION: it actually feels very soothing and uplifting to clean your home. Imagine that as you are cleaning your home, you are cleaning out the negative energy that has taken up residence in your energy field.
Check your mood!
1. Check your mood. For years I got to work with physical therapist/trainer that asked me everyday before and after I worked out 'how do you feel' and i had to pause and give an honest answer in order to see the results of my workouts. I still do it on my own and I really do think that it is one of the best habits he gave me. You have to look within to know for sure WHAT you feel; happy, energized, enthusiastic and bright? Or, are you moody, depressed, lethargic, angry or resentful? Persistent sadness, anger or other negative emotions signal a low vibration. You have the power to change your moods. Your negative moods are important. Don’t deny them – they are important to your self-awareness – but do make an attempt to elevate yourself above them as quickly as possible. The simplest way is to acknowledge, “I feel (sad, angry, jealous, etc.).” Part of this recognition involves knowing that you are not your feelings. They are temporary experiences and that’s all. They are not you. So never say, “I am sad,” or “I am angry.” You are not these things. You can say, “I feel sad” or “I feel angry.” See the difference? Often, just voicing the fact that you feel a certain way takes the focus away from the problem (putting it on the feeling) and then it’s easier to let it move through you and dissipate. If you focus on the problem, the feelings continue but if you focus on the feeling and give no mental energy to the problem, the feelings will pass.
SOLUTION: smile! Fake a smile if you have to, but hold it for at least 2 minutes for a scientifically proven mood lifter! Or put on your favorite song and dance it out. Channeling energy is key.
Check your results!
2. Check your results. A high vibration manifests as positive results; a low vibration manifests as negative results. If things were going along just fine and then suddenly took a turn for the worse, it’s due to a lowering of your vibration. Keep in mind that your circumstances are the result of past vibrations, though – you may still be dealing with the residue of ways you used to vibrate.
SOLUTION: be patient, keep your vibes as high as you can, and things will go on the upswing again!
Check your mindset!
3. Check your mindset. Your mental processes are directly affected by your vibration. A high vibration is characterized by a growth mindset; sharp thinking, quick learning, easy memory recall, innovative problem solving and high creativity. Low vibration is characterized by a fixed mindset; sluggish thinking, slow learning, “mental fog,” poor memory, being stuck on problems and creative blocks.
SOLUTION: inspire your inner artist! PLAY. Do something you love to do that has absolutely nothing to do with your responsibilities. Stimulate your mind with this cherished activity until you feel better. It won’t take long!
Check your body!
4. Check your body. The way our energy is flowing through our physical body holds many of clues about the frequency. Headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, skin problems, sleep disturbances, low libido and frequent illness are common symptoms of low vibration. All of them can be traced back to energy. They are symptoms that may appear to have a physical cause, but in reality a “physical” cause is also at its root, an energetic cause. If you have ever been through a long-term difficult period you know that it took a toll on your health and vitality. Similarly, being in love and doing something you love stimulate good health and higher vibrations.
SOLUTION: listen to what your body is telling you. You may be so used to feeling depressed, or stressed, that you don’t even notice it. But your body does. It will respond with fatigue, sleep problems and many other symptoms. Don’t take any physical clues lightly. Do what you can to raise your vibration through improving your mindset; and support your body with excellent nutrition, exercise and rest. Honor your healthy urges and healthy cravings. Use a holistic mind/body approach to raising your vibration: exercise makes you feel good, and when your mind is in a positive state, you feel like exercising. Take that first step and get out there and move your body.
Check your home!
5. Check your home. Your home is a physical representation of what is going on in your energy. For example, someone who is overwhelmed and worried will often neglect their home because they just can’t handle yet another chore on their to-do list. These low-vibrating energies make themselves comfortable in your home and they manifest as clutter, dirt and disorder.
SOLUTION: it actually feels very soothing and uplifting to clean your home. Imagine that as you are cleaning your home, you are cleaning out the negative energy that has taken up residence in your energy field.
can you really use social networking to expose corporate conspiracies?
watch this and then decide for yourself.......
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Saturday, January 17, 2015
Monday, January 12, 2015
not me...., let me think about that...not me...
if i have to fight, i'm going to defend myself and fight for my rights
that's why i like looking like a rebel
i will always choose be a fighter.
that's why i enjoy weapons training so much.
so if the banks own the government
and the government's goal is to control the people....
they'll continue to do everything in their power to make people believe that money has value but what if we woke up tomorrow and money was worth nothing....? it's not so far fetched if you understand the system.
so when the inevitable crash happens are you going to fight to protect yourself or that corrupt backward ass backed by nothing banking system?
read this:
and besides that, we're all going to need food to survive, so food would become very valuable
and the ability to operate a firearm might mean the difference between
life and death....because the ability to hunt for food will be the only thing to prevent starvation in that type of situation....
eventually worse comes to worst and like dilated peoples said
my people come first....
finally using my go pro
it's such an awesome little camera, i love it
this one was shot on my phone:
this one was shot on my phone:
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
somewhere in america....
i'm pissed off at myself for not saying something to the disgusting dude who i clearly saw grope a girl while making my way through a crowd at a party on new years eve. the few times that shit's happened to me, i reacted by screaming at the top of my lungs "whoever just groped me is a motherfucker!!!" but then i quickly realized all i was really doing was making myself look like i was crazy. nobody ever said anything, nobody ever tried to help. i was just left alone to be all psycho on my own.
at that party I should have calmly walked up to that disgusting asshole and simply said "i saw what you did and i think you're disgusting" then quickly walked away. all i did was give him the stank eye, which he promptly avoided & ignored. who knows how he would have reacted if i had said something, i probably would have got punched in the face or got a drink poured on me but you know what, who cares, saying the truth out loud is powerful. (as those 3 girls in the video above demonstrate) its my right to think what i want to think and say what i want to say and how i do that is what defines who i am. I would choose to be tactful and straight to the point because what I am saying does not need to be accepted or validated, just understood. if more people were able to recognize actions of those people who have no self control or boundaries and honestly say what they see without feeding into drama, i don't think as many people would go around thinking they could just get away with whatever shady shit they want to do. granted those sick fucks would just get more sneaky, but still, what kind of shit head goes around groping women in public.
(ugh i swear, the worst people to be around are those with no self control or boundaries, in real life and on the internet)
so to my sister who got groped on nye at crescent ballroom, i'm so so so sorry that happened first of all and i'm super sorry i let that opportunity to say something go.
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